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Here is a Tentative Schedule for the 2019 "I AM I CAN" Summer Camp for Girls.


You can register by phone at 701-235-8132 or PRINT AND MAIL THIS FORM

Thank you for your interest in the Academie Agencie's "I AM I CAN" Summer Camp for Girls. 2019 marks our 29th year and we are currently making plans for this year's event!


The "I AM I CAN" Summer Camp for Girls is a day camp held at the Academie Agencie in downtown Fargo. This camp is designed to be a fun and learning filled week where the camper will develop her self-confidence and self-expression.

The camp is open to girls ages 9-13. Two camp sessions are available this year, June 19-22 and July 30-August 3, 2018. The seminars and events are age appropriate and include but are not limited to attitude, social graces, table etiquette, visual poise and presentation, modeling, fitness, confidence- building, skincare, and wardrobe.

If you would like to enroll your daughter in this year's "I AM I CAN" Summer Camp for Girls, call 701-235-8132 or complete the enclosed application. Each camp registration must include a $100 (nonrefundable) deposit. The remaining balance of $150 is payable on the first day of camp.













Who is this camp for?

  • The "I AM I CAN" Summer Camp for Girls is a 5-day camp held at the Academie Agencie in downtown Fargo. This camp is designed to be a fun and learning-filled week where the camper will develop her self-confidence and self-expression. The camp is open to girls ages 9-13.  The seminars and events are age appropriate and include but are not limited to attitude, social graces, table etiquette, visual poise and presentation, modeling, fitness, confidence building, skin care, and wardrobe


How much does camp cost?

  • The 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls costs $250 for the full program. An additional $10 (recommended) per day for daily etiquette lunches outside the classroom.


What do you do at camp?

  • At the 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls we focus a great deal on social graces and table manners with formal dinners and other socializing situations.  We also work on attitude and self-acceptance, movement, poise and posture, modeling, wardrobe, skin care, centerpieces, napkins, speaking as well as a variety of other topics.


When is camp?

  • There will are usually two camp sessions offered in early and late summer.  See current registration materials for details.


What is a centerpiece?

  • Centerpieces are the focal part of the perfect table setting.  It can be a conversation piece.  It can be flowers accenting the dinnerware.  It can reflect the personality of the person, the family, or occasion.  Whatever purpose your centerpiece serves for your table it should be interesting and thoughtful. 


What are social graces and why are they important?

  • Social graces are a set of general rules of etiquette.  They should become a part of a persons personality and repertoire. They are an important social standard to be used in social circles.  For girls the use of social graces is important because parents may bring them out more often!  Adults understand that social graces and the practice of them will help you become more comfortable in any social situation.  People who practice good social manners also usually have a great deal of friends.  Ultimately, social graces will open doors both socially and personally for anyone.


How long is camp?

  • The 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls lasts from Monday to Friday from 10am - 5pm.


Do you go camping at camp?

  • No.  The 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls is not an outdoor camp with tents or camp fires.


Will I make new friends at camp?

  • The 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls started in 1990.  Since that time hundreds of girls have attended and many of them still keep in touch with not only the instructors and counselors but also each other.  You will make new friends that you will have for the rest of your life.


What clothes should I bring to camp?

  • We have a number of activities which require specific clothing which are outlined in the registration materials.  Dress each day should be comfortable but nice.  Sundress and sandals, short set and sandals are appropriate.  Tennis shoes, sweat  shirts, jeans are too casual for this camp.


Is the camp safe?

  • Yes, the I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls is very safe.  We are in one of the safest places in America.  In addition, camp counselors are always present.  Since our first year in 1990, we have never had a single incident.


Where do campers come from?

  • Campers to the 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls come from really, all over the U.S. We've had girls from Texas, New Mexico, New York, Seattle, North Carolina, and Arizona.


Do some girls come to camp more than once?

  • Yes, we have had many girls come to the 'I AM I CAN' Summer Camp for Girls more than once.

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